1/3 of Pakistan is under water after terrible monoons that have ravaged the country. We currently have a team working to help victims but it's a dire situation and we need your help.
We are trying to help by working to evacuate people that are stranded, providing food, blankets, medical assistance and anything else that we can provide.
Almost 70% of people on the planet lack access to clean water. Millions are pushed to drink dirty, contaminated water which puts them at risk of death. We want to fix this by installing hand pumps in Bangladesh, Pakista and Nepal and we need your help!
Empowering Communities have been visiting rural communities regions of Pakistan since 2015 to build water pumps for these communities that struggle without clean water. Your donations and support has helped us with this, one family at a time. Help us save as many people as we can. Please donate today.
Up to 828 million people do not have enough food and 50 million people are facing emergency levels of hunger. We want to change that, and we can only do it with your help. By planting fruit trees, we can provide families with essential nutrients and a stable income by selling the fruits to others.
Seedlings from fully grown fruit trees can then be given to another family to help them escape from poverty.
Your gift is also environmentally friendly. Planting fruit trees helps to prevent deforestation, which is a major cause of soil erosion, which results in poor farmland and devastating floods.
According to the latest Child Labour Global Estimates, 160 million children – 63 million girls and 97 million boys – were in child labour globally. That's almost 1 in 10 children worldwide! Child labour is the biggest reason for children not being in school, as supporting their families takes priority over education. Education is a fundamental human right and a major enabler to reduce inequalities and build peaceful, democratic and inclusive societies which is why we give families financial help and why we've so far supported 200 children long term in giving them a quality education and getting them out of child labour. We need your help though!
Worldwide, there are more than 690million people who suffer from chronic hunger. Extreme food insecurity brought on by severe poverty will mean these people might go days without eating, and they have no idea where their next meal will come from. During Ramadan we supported approximately 2500 families with food packs, and we want to do it again. Please donate as generously as you can.
Accommodation is an absolute necessity for every human being. A secure home where they can be protected from the elements and safe to sleep at night from the dangers of both nature and society however is a luxury not all of us can afford. Although this is a priority for many relief and charity services, Empowering Communities aims to do this in the best way possible to suit the needs and requirements of the homeless and destitute. Rather than tents, straw houses or cramped conditions where hundreds of families are squeezed into giant halls or old mills and car-parks, we aim to give the needy a place they can call home for a number of years and develop themselves.
Since 2014, Empowering Communities has been working around the clock, everyday to transform impoverished communities from their destitute states to a self-sustaining, progressive stage of life.
We've already opened our first job skills training academy. With jobs aplenty but skilled workers very few, this is a major leap forward in tackling the issue of unemployment and poverty.
We don't just provide classes everyday, but we also provide additional support to not only get the unemployed into work, but supporting them whilst they begin their journey into the jobs market.
Empowering communities has waiting lists for its shelters, medical aid and employment support but without your support, none of this is possible. Your donations are needed more than ever to achieve this.
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